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A Few emails Of Impact ...


Hi Jenny, Im Ma**, from New Jersey. Im a big fan of you, you have changed my life and life of my family also.. We're from muslim family, and my Dad was against the freedom of women to an extend where one cant even decide what to wear what not to.. but ever since he started watching your show on Miami Tv, he get so obsessed with your show that now he gets happy when i dress like you.. i couldn't imagine roaming almost topless in my home and on beach.. but now i do, and im happy to see this change as he understands also that women dont need to hide themselves as God have made them beautiful. Love you for making a change in my life.. Xoxo..


Hi Jenny, have recently discovered your site and videos and think it's great to have a presenter with something worthwhile to say. The fact you are also beautiful, very sexy and have a killer smile makes it even better. All the best from England. Geoff


Dear Jenny You are a lovely woman ! You face, your eyes, your smile and your all your personnality are genious ! I think you are very sexy and generous , excuse my bad english ( i'm french lol) i love your style and permise me to kiss you , goodluck and thanks of all of you Vincent of France


Hey Jenny ,
First of all.. I am a big , big and probably the biggest fan you have ... :) ..
It's just not only about the way you look.. bt its your expression.. that kills me everytime.. I watch miami tv episodes daily.. maybe the repeated episodes.. just to seee your cutest expeessions.. love you. . For the way you talk...


El otro día me preguntaron... ¿cual es la palabra más bonita a tu juicio? yo de momento no supe contestar se me ocurrían pocas y muy predecibles "gracias", "paz","felicidad" y cosas por el estilo. Pero luego viendo tu programa se me ocurrieron unas pocas más inspiradas en ti "empatía", "perdón", "filantropía", "diversión", "risa" pero sobre todo "AMOR" esta es por fin mi palabra favorita. Y tu me la inspiraste , porque eso es lo que tu inspiras con tu ejemplo, y es que constantemente ,nos das ejemplos de ello, yo creo que nos amas a todos; amas ala gente positiva, pero también a la negativa, perdonas a las personas y justificas su acción, como si se tratase de un hambriento que roba comida, este fin de semana trabajaste como una leona hasta quedarte sin voz, para divertirnos y sembrar positividad, y estoy seguro de que encima lo pasaste bien y te divertiste. Repartes AMOR donde quiera vas demostrando Amor a la humanidad entera (no, estoy mintiendo no a toda la humanidad solamente a toda la creación, ya sean animales, plantas o rocas). Estoy convencido de una cosa tu no estás hecha de energía como los demás tu estás hecha de AMOR.
" - España


Hooolaaaaaaaaaa,,I love u so much,I am from china,shanghainese


I love you, Jenny ! I'm from Rio de Janeiro. Wem you travel in Rio de Janeiro ?


Hi Jenny, I just found you on the web and I'm blown away by you. You are so full of energy and such a free spirited person. I have checked out some of your sgow's videoes and love your style. I'll have to sign up so I can check you in future shows. Love , Brian


Jenny estoy Enamorado de vos!! Sos Hermosa y muy divertida, me encanta cuando te reis, me quede mirando todo el programa hasta recien en nueva imagen tv argentina solo para verte :) Besos.


Ciao Jenny. I follow you every night from Italy, even If I don't understand much when you speak spanish. You are a great example of happiness and joy, here the world is everyday a little bit more gray. Thank you!!!


Hi my name is Denis, I am Brazilian and I love your program, watch it whenever I can! Vc is not only more beautiful very smart and funny. An optimal combination that could only result in much success!


Thanks for a fun New Years Eve show. You made me and (I'm sure) a lot of other people very happy! It would have been a dull night without you.


Hi Jenny, I love your shows and really want to visit Miami before I die, because for me it's the sexiest place on earth, and also I'm a Heat fan!
Wish you all the best Jenny!
Greetings from a portuguese fan. Keep up the good work!


saludos y felicidades por tu trabajo y entrega que nos das en cada uno de tus notas saludos desde la ciudad de mexico!! buen fin de año mis mejores deseos!!


Hi Jenny,
This is Munir From Pakistan, First of all i wanna tell you that Before watching you in Miami TV, I was't interested to watch tv becoz i thought that TV is only time wasting, But From Last Week i am watching regularly you on Miami TV , Infact when i am in my office, i also watching your TV through Live WEb, I am really Happy to writing this to you, Becoz i reallly realllllllllllly realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly like you, You have a wounderfull voice , Attractive body style, sexy, that forced me to watch your Channel every time

"Hello! I live in Costa Rica. I want to express my admiration for her intelligence and beauty. I really like the issues addressed in his talks and the way it does. Best Regards!"

"Que dificil es la ecuacion que te trajo a este mundo lograr la conjuncion siempre buscada casi nunca encontrada entre belleza e inteligencia, hacerle la adhesion de talento y versatilidad sumemosle alegria y buena actitud todo eso encerrada en un cuerpo magico lleno de libertad y completado con el arte de de la escultura k dios hizo contigo es sencillamente maravilloso!!!!!!!"

"history will remember you as the one that startedthe change"

"Have you looked into being Larry Kings replacement? I would LOVE to see a politician try to lie to you instead of some 190 year old man in suspenders :)"

" Eres un agel guardian para nosotros los mortales"

Hola Jenny te doy las gracias por aceptarme ,,te miro por internet y me gusta mucho tu progama y la forma de desarrollar los temas. Soy tu fans te mando un afectuoso saludo desde California.

"Thank U thank U thank U soooooo much for not only interviewing sooooo many different people but Ur positive message. There R times when it all seems like too much: too much traffic; too many people; too many bad vibes; too much to do. But - somehow - U reassure us with Ur smile and beauty. I hope U continue to love life and inspire everyone who U touch with the wonder that is life"


For Jenny: "Last year, a portuguese newspaper wrote an article about you and Miami TV, regarding your positive message with style and, of course, your big cleavage. They also wrote that the men you interview seems to do a lot of effort to do not watch to your cleavage. My question is, do you feel them embarassed when you're interviewing?


"Jenny you are stylish girl, make some new trends and try some new dresses. There's no other fair heart like you
Great picture!, great face! l would've been lost without you. l would've got bored Life would've been very empty
Jenny You are the light, you are the hope of best future. i wish you a happy life. also happy after life. Jenny do you want the another life here after this life. the life of heaven, Allah said that will be life for ever good. life for all time, there is no death and die in the life of sky and heaven in Arabic Language the life of Jannaate. do you believe in after life"


"Hi Jenny, Somehow I discovered you videos on Youtube and I simply what to thank you for your positive message. No one has your combination of sexiness, beauty, humor and positive spirit. Finding you just makes me want to celebrate life. Merry Christmas! *** from Atlanta!!!!!"


"Este mundo es otro desde que te encontre en la red aa vuelto a mi la luz y la alegria que habia perdido mil besos y muchos saludos!!!!!"


"hola Jenny, ..¿que tal estuvo lo de la cafetería de esta noche? me hubiera gustado verlo, ¿cuando lo vais a repetir? estaría bien que nos avisaras con más antelación antes de que los europeos nos vallamos a dormir, como a las 6 de la tarde hora de Miami ¿va a haber más estos días? ¿lo vais a subir al on demand?
seguid haciendo todo así de bien como hasta ahora. lo mejor de Miami tv, es que al ser tan interactivo, y vosotros tan cercanos y accesibles, donde todos podemos participar en alguna medida, nos hace sentir que somos parte de algo grande, y es como si fuera algo nuestro, nunca había tenido esa sensación antes, que yo sepa sois los únicos en todo el mundo que hace así la tv. No es solamente que nos hagáis disfrutar un rato, nos estimuláis para que seamos participativos y eso nos hace querer ser dignos miembros, cada vez con más positividad, intentando ser cada dia mejores personas, como para merecernos Miami tv (para ser miembro de Miami tv no basta con pagar y ya está, no señor hay que merecerlo). Algunos simplemente han empezado a enderezar sus vidas, dejando malos hábitos como el alcohol o las drogas, otros que no tienen vicios, simplemente fuimos estimulas a crecer como personas, yo por ejemplo recibí el estimulo de aprender inglés me está costando un esfuerzo enorme porque ya no tengo edad para aprender un idioma tan dificil y tan distinto al español o el francés (que estudié de niño y que tengo medio olvidado de no usarlo).
os felicito por haber tenido una idea tan brillante y haber sabido llevarla a cabo con tantísimo acierto, y me felicito a mi mismo por haberos encontrado y haberme hecho miembro (no sé que fuerza mágica me inspiró, porque suelo desconfiar de lo que me encuentro en Internet, hay demasiada basura aunque también está lo mejor, como vosotros por ejemplo).
un fortísimo abrazo a mis amigos de América  ....M


"Jenny, I discovered you and your site accidentally through YouTube and found you very attractive and appealing. Your approach to disseminating knowledge is filling a void while removing the sexuality to nudity. I give you props for that. I’m a new member and the reason I don’t comment is because I choose to listen to what you have to say. I don’t always agree or disagree with what you have to say but accept it as a new view or opinion toward a subject that is sometimes different from mine. Thank you for filling a void. Keep striving for the higher levels of understanding and bring others higher."


"Hola querida Jenny, quiero comentarte que despues de ver muchos de los video que ustedes producen. Despues y fuera de broma, vi dos videos de sexualidad donde a decir verdad me ofendi mucho, porque a mi en la vida pocas veces me explicaron las cosas elementales y basicas, mi papa se fue cuando yo tenia 5 anios y me toco investigar desde en poco acceso a la info que teniamos hace unos 30 anios, lo unico que recuerdo de los pocos consejos que me dio cuando tenia 15 anios, fueron, (1) tuvieste relaciones ya? yo dije que si (mentira) para evitar el tema y le deje saber que ya era experto en la materia, falta de confianza en un padre ausente, gracias a Dios todavia lo tengo aunque perdi a mi madre a los 22, (2) Si la mujer no quiere, nunca la obligues (mi papa solo fue hasta segundo grado de primaria(tengo la conciencia limpia respecto a eso)) pero volviendo al tema, en la escuela nos mostraron unas ilustraciones de las partes intimas de cada sexo, pero nunca nos explicaron como unirlas :), te confiezo que al principio cuesta como hombre de 40 anios terminar de ver un video donde la chica desnuda de la portada del video no aparace jajajaja No. Pero ver dos videos seguidos de casi una hora cada uno, significa que no solo le estas llegando a los que sufren esa edad tan terrible como la adolesencia, no solo a las mujeres que lo necesitan, tambien me llego a mi para el dia que me toque dar un consejo si llego a tener hijas. Sinceramente y para no aburrirte, te felicito porque aportaste algo muy importante en cuanto a valores, principios, ya no se ve casi esta informacion en las escuelas ni medios, se nota que tenes seres muy eficientes en tu produccion, admiro sin conocer a tu marido, hay que tener las pelotas bien puestas para caminar al lado de una mujer como tu. El tambien deberia dar consejos para hombres jajaja
Saludos a los dos. besos"


"I like your show. It is the best entertainment a man could want after a long day at the office...from Europe!"


"Hola jenny le doy gracias a dios porque tu existes, por hacerte de esta oportunidad algo nuevo en TV, tambien me gustaría pedirte por favor mas visitas a este mexico k t quiere mucho"


"Hello Jenny, you are wonderful. I follow you from Holland, and I love you (programs) very much! I wish I can be on your show"


"mui buen tema , tu show es mui bueno siempre toka temas interesantes k pasan en nuestra vida cotidiana.!!"


"Thank you for all that you have done for me. You have seriously changed my life for the better!"


"Super interesante y descubriendo nuevas formas de vida para vivir con calidad Un super Gracias y sobre todo la naturaleza que inspira verte saber que en esencia somos espirituales y tenemos que mantener ese principio de vida y dejar de lado lo material"


"Ten cuidado nos estás malcriando con tanto y tan bueno, encima va mejorando, cada día nos sorprendes con alguna novedad.  Os felicito, hacéis una tv diferente a todo lo que existe por una parte divertida, transgresora y al mismo tiempo positiva, moralista y educativa por otra parte espontánea sin programación fija con horarios elásticos, sin informativos, sin censura, en MIAMI tv vale todo menos la negatividad y el aburrimiento. En resumen hacéis lo que os da la gana y lo hacéis bien. Cada día estoy más feliz de ser miembro"


" As You Are Our Angel Who Tells us what is Right & what is Wrong & Teach & Guide us to go in the Right Path

Jenny Live & You Really helped Me A lot  I Am Very Thankful To You for that - Jenny This is My Request Please Visit INDIA Once In This Year Or Coming Year "


"Hello Jenny , u have a great impact on me bcos frm last month i have stop taking drugs when u were discussing on the topic of drugs it was not easy but it has been more than a month i have quit it but there i got a new addiction and thts u the more i see u i feel better but that is better thn drugs thanks for changing my life as i feel as i got a new life"


"...It's not like you are a regular TV personality who just talks. You pour yourself out for others all the time. I don't think I can ever give back to you nearly what you have given to me, although I would like to think I could. I know you get tired of hearing it so much but you are awesome. You impact lives. That's awesome. "


"hellloooooooo jennyyyyy its lovely to see u always i m doing great u have changed my vision to see life.Now this world seems to be a better place to me than before thanks for all ur charm"


" Although I have “known” you for only a week you are already having a profound impact on my life. As you have opened your life to me I am reexamining my own, the way I judge people, my mistakes, my stupidity, regrets, and what I have done with my life. It’s an emotional journey and frightening to know that it might take me from my comfort zone. Sometimes my eyes fill with tears as long suppressed dreams, feelings and memories emerge. I am confronting myself, my past, my relationships, my habits and my attitudes and challenging myself to be more open, more honest, and a better person.

In short, Jenny, I have never known anyone like you. You are real; you approach life with an innocence and openness that is refreshing yet challenging. You drink from life’s river with enthusiasm and passion, determined not to miss anything that life offers. You make your own choices and don’t apologize for them because your motives are pure. You refuse to fit into anyone’s box.

I could go on, and maybe I will another day. For now just know that you are gently making the world a better place by the lives you touch.


" Hola Jenny, mi nic nombre es ----y resido de Lima Peru, soy sexologa desde hace mas de 10 anos y asisto a todos los congresos internacionales. Veo con cierta continuidad tu programa porque me parece muy acertado el tratar algunos temas y la forma juvenil y simpatica que lo haces ya que dices cosas que nosotros no podemos decir. Mi nombre prefiero guardarlo en el anonimato y soy fiel escucha de tus palabras..."


" Gracias por el video de la coraza, me pareció súper interesante, y se lo hice ver a mis dos sobrinas de 14 años María y Sara. (Deberían ponerlo en los colegios) Ni yo ni mis hermanos sabíamos nada al respecto y se hizo la luz ante nosotros "


"Jenny, I live in San Diego, CA and I like your show on the internet. I never really saw you live to ask questions, but I am impressed when I read your bio. I did wonder why on Jenny Live chat after the show, I question why you interview men in the nude(almost). As I thought about what I said I felt bad almost like a pervert. I feel, if this works for you and your husband then all is good and I hope you do not change how you do things. The only thing I hope you do is live by what you say and keep doing what you are doing, because I will never complain again to myself about how you look on the internet, I am like most men "I like what I see", no disrespect to your husband. I hope more people will continue to find you online and give the respect that you give on screen. Good Luck and Stay True to Yourself"


"I have been addicted to porn for several years. I know your position on porn and I completely agree. So believe me I am not proud of it. For me porn was a release of frustration – like if I was starving and just ate whatever I could find – but in some ways it is a prison, but the good thing for me was there was no emotional attachment. One of my many "Jenny goals" is to stop watching porn. That will make me a better me.
Since I became a member and started receiving the energy regularly, I have stopped watching it. I just stopped – I don’t know how else to say it. This is within only two weeks. I don't understand it. I actually tried to go back and watch but I just had to turn it off. In my mind I see you sitting there with that gorgeous smile of yours and I can’t watch it. In fact I am wondering why I ever watched it. I feel like the desire is just completely gone – vanished overnight. Does this make sense to you? If you know what is happening to me I would like to know. Maybe it’s a chemical in my brain or just a dream but I swear the only thing that has changed in my life is you"


"Hello Jenny. I just discovered your videos. I'm Aisha, I teach college and your video is so full of wisdom on learning on your own. It is very engaging and i want to share it with my classes!! I don't know how they will react to you but I just wanted to let you know you are doing an amazing job in your commentaries"


"Your show is amazing, original, not heavy on the brain and sensual. Your audience watches it for one or many of these descriptions. I watch your show for three of them and I don’t mind the heavy lifting with my brain and sometimes I enjoy it, lololol. I don’t have to approve or not approve, not even to agree or not agree with you, to watch your show. What I can do is watch it or not watch it, and I do. J "


"First here is an example of how you are impacting my life and helping me to see people differently. This week a fat lady sat next to me on the bus. She took her seat and also part of mine. She pressed against my arm and my leg. We were literally “cheek to cheek” if you know what I mean. My initial reaction was “oh wow here is a fat lady she is making me uncomfortable”. But then I thought I bet that Jenny would say she is probably a beautiful person on the inside. If I had an honest conversation with her she may be a beautiful person.

So honestly does it really matter if she is beautiful like Jenny or fat and making me uncomfortable? The answer is it should not matter. If I am looking through the proper lens then it doesn't matter. I would just see the true beauty.

I guess the point is that if you take the time to look at people for who they are and not just how you are used to seeing them they look totally different to you.

So when I watch Jenny Live or some event that you are covering or whatever, I try to look past your amazing physical beauty and focus instead on your spiritual and emotional beauty. It’s very difficult because I am a guy and I am a visual person. Your beauty is what first attracted me to you. I want to see everyone that way. I want to learn to look past the fat or the skin color or beauty or the accent or the whatever and see the inside


" 2012 Jenny Live will Create New History By Spreading the Magic of Jenny Live through the Medium Of Miami TV all around the World In Digital Quality & Surround Sound HD & Visiting All Around The World  & Achieve More & More Milestones & Will be Award Winning Year :)

Jenny Miami TV Rocks And Jenny Live is Magic....

I must say this for the last one year I watched your show & I must admit it that Jenny Live has helped me a lot in my Personal Life in a Very Good way & I have myself changed a lot now I am feeling Very Happy & Proud about myself, So Thank U Very Very Much Jenny You Are An Angel So Special Full Of Positive Vibes & Positive Energy which is Simply Outstanding :)  "


"I am trying to figure out why you are having such a dramatic impact on my life. I have thought about it a lot. Your honesty and transparency are forcing me to question a lot of things about my life. I am a smart person but when I hear you speak I realize I don’t know a lot about things that really matter. I have never known anyone like you and you don’t fit into any of my preconceived boxes (another one of my "Jenny goals" is to look at people as individuals, not as groups). But I think the reason you have impacted me so much is sometimes when you talk about things that matter like life and love, it is like a surgeon’s scalpel is cutting into my heart. I'm not saying you are mean; I'm just saying truth can be painful. It’s up to me to accept it or reject it. I didn’t realize it before but I have a lot of suppressed emotions and disappointments that I just sort of learned to live with. Now I am feeling emotions and regrets long buried in my heart. Sometimes when I watch you I start to cry. Or I will be driving to work and just start to cry just thinking about it. I never really cried much before. I had no idea this was going to happen, it took me by surprise"


" What is Jenny Live for me?
It is a show for which I check the clock often to not miss it. To me it is time for relaxation, Time to laugh seriously, Time to play like gown-ups. I like listening to peoples crazy experiences and share some of mine. I like the openness of the dialog in the show, we talk about almost everything. Psychology, sex, marriage, love, stupidity, arrogance, Jokes, and I can go on and on.
I remember how I ended up on Miami TV. I was searching something, and then saw a video. It was a beautiful, sexy lovable woman singing without singing and dancing without dancing. That was Jenny, from that day the magic happened. I feel goooood when I communicate with her.
What is Jenny Live for you? "


" Querida Jenny me encanta el trabajo que haces y el mensaje que llevas al mundo "


" Vemos tu show en compañia de varios amigos y amigas. Gracias por hacer un programa como el tuyo, es único e impresindible para mi, mi familia,  y quienes esten con nosotros al momento de emitirse. Que alegria saber que contamos contigo para ver de una manera diferente nuestro paso por la tierra "


"I've got some more good news for you!!!  A day or two after I last emailed you I had a very good experience with the Positive Energy and your seminars.  I was having sinus headaches and I could get the Energy to stop them but they would come back in an hour or so because the underlying cause was still there.  I had an immense amount of sinus pressure in my head even after getting the pain to stop.  So I decided that I would try to use the Energy to get better. I tried looking inside myself and gathering up as much Energy as I could and told it that I wanted the pressure to go away and the sinus condition to clear up.  Jenny as soon as I got that Energy to go into my head where the problem was, it cleared up immediately!!!!!  I have not had any more problems with it since. I have felt it try to come back but the Energy blocks it and it  cannot!   Jenny, this is wonderful.  No more sinus headaches! "


"Hi Jenny! You are my favorite TV personality of all time.  I admire you and respect what you are doing and what you stand for. There are so few people these days that really give a damn about anything.  I am so glad I found you.  You inspire me "


" Just a few seconds in the emanation i felt a really nice feeling up in my chest!!! My heart felt so relaxed and nice!!!  I could actually feel the energy that you were sending when you closed your eyes and held your hands out!!!!!  It was amazing.  I will attend the next seminar for sure.  I want more of that energy!!!!! "


" I have some news for you that might put a smile on your face.  Positive Energy is a VERY POWERFUL entity.  I hope everyone uses it for good things. Positive Energy has really been taking good care of me!!!  I have learned to use it for pain management.  When I have a pain that has been annoying me for awhile I just look inside myself and find some Positive Energy and direct it to the pain and through it and the pain disappears instantly!!!! It's wonderful!!! I am so glad that you told me about Positive Energy!  I have been almost pain free for about a month now. Only the pain that I haven't pointed the Energy to has bothered me and if it gets bad I just point the Positive Energy to the pain and It gets rid of the pain instantly!!!! "


" I think you have something good going there. It will bring together a group of people from all over the world and we can get an idea of what people in other nations think about various subjects "


" hola jenny te escribo desde medellin - colombia para proponerte un tema para manana. aca en mi ciudad en dias pasados hubo una marcha de mujeres desnudas exigiendo igualdad de genero, y queria proponerte que manana en el programa salgas desnuda o en topless para exigir esa igualdad ya que los hombres si pueden salir casi desnudos y nosotras no, te lo pido de corazon, yo te veo todas las noches pero no participo pues no tengo esa madurez para opinar gracias por apoyarme "


"I found out something else ...  I went to my doctor and he told me I had to quit eating so much and lose some weight.  He said that it was very important that I do so else my heart wouldn't stand the strain of so much weight.  He said that he knew that it would be hard for me because I don't have much left that I can enjoy.  Only TV, my computer and my eating.  Anyway I kind of got depressed because I wasn't going to be able to enjoy eating again.  I found out that the Energy doesn't work good at all when you are depressed or at least not for me.  I felt that maybe I could use the Energy to get to feeling up again and not so depressed so I asked the Energy to make me feel good again and to be happy and immediately I felt a good feeling coming over me and I could smile again.  That is wonderful.  Now I can use the Energy to stop pain again!!
And get this, my wife came home from work the other day and said her legs were really hurting so I decided that it wouldn't hurt to try so I looked inside and gathered up as much Energy as I could and with my mind directed it to her backbone and on down into her legs.  I didn't ask her for awhile how she was feeling but when I did she said the pain was nearly gone.  I told her to thank her maker and the Energy for her relief and told her I would try again to remove all the pain.  As I had just started sending her some of my Energy she exclaimed, "It's gone!!!!" Then after a while I asked her if it was still gone and she said yes but she had some pain in her ankles.  I told her I would try to send her some Energy to get rid of that too.  Same thing...  As I had just started sending her some of my Energy she exclaimed, "The ankle pain's gone too!!!!"  Jenny, this is wonderful!!!! She attended the next live seminar that you gave online and said that she enjoyed it very much.   Jenny, I don't understand everything that is going on but I am deeply thankful to my Supreme Being, the Positive Energy, and to you for enlightenment.  I would have never found this concept except for you!!! You have been a blessing in my life!  


" Your video stream is equally entertaining and delightful. I hope to listen often as well as see you occasionally as you show continues to stream to my little corner of Alaska. For now... good night and thanks again"


" Hola jenny mi nomnbre es ----- tengo 19 anos y desde mas de un ano que te sigo en tu programa, me agrada lo dices porque es igual que me criaron donde siempre me dijeron sobre el respeto a la mujer, ya no tengo mucho con quien ablar porque mi padre se fue de casa y con mi mama me es dificil porque soy varon. Todabia soy virgen y no tengo con quien ablar, ni mis amigos lo saben. Creo que encontre en usted una gran asesora que mi padre no puede ensenarme porque no esta y por eso me atrevo a ablarle con todo respeto y pedirle su consejo y me parece que por ese chat no debo hacerlo porque mis amigos me descubririan y se reirian "


" I am still learning the different uses for the Positive Energy. The other day my sister was talking on the phone to my wife and said that she had a terrible backache.  She lives in Dothan, AL about 20 miles from here. I decided to see if Positive Energy could help her so I concentrated on gathering up as much as I could of it and directed it to a mental picture of my sister sitting in her living room and sent it into her upper backbone and little by little all the way down her back bone to her lower back and asked the Positive Energy to stop her pain. Before  my wife got off the phone with her I asked my wife to ask her about her back pain.  My sister said it was much better but she still had a small amount of it.  So I went through the routine again about sending the Positive Energy to help her. I did this about two more times and the next morning she called and said her back pain was gone. !!! I use a lot of that Positive Energy, to help myself and to help others. I hope that you are going to have another live seminar soon as I get lots more Positive Energy out of a live seminar than I do a recording. "


"Hi, Jenny. I hope all is well with you.
I first saw one of your videos a week ago and am now a fan from afar.
I'm close to finishing the final draft of a novel I hope to publish soon. Last Tuesday, I was in the midst of an argument with a female acquaintance over something I had written about the way a character was dressed. This argument bothered me because while there's a national debate about women's rights, I got chastised for presenting a woman who exudes sensuality and confidence because that's her way of releasing tension.
Your video came up shortly after I read the angry person's last e-mail. I guess I needed to be introduced to Jenny as therapy -- reassurance that I'm not a total doofus. Thank you for doing what you do, and doing it well.


" I Love that you cross the barrier, you break the mold. You have no problem wearing clothes that reveal you breasts, even showing your nipples, on what is, in effect, broadcast television. You have even won eds. Which is worthy of pride and comendable. You lead the way out of the "Box" of conventional journalism and I love you for it. Keep it going. You're the best thing on TV "


" Hey Jenny! Gran programa! Eres mi nueva fuente de optimismo en mi vida! Y no exagero...Es un placer disfrutar de tu trabajo y tu existencia! "


" Dear Jenny, I'm mailing u just to tell u thaaaaaaaaaanks so much about your show in the Miami TV,,, Believe  me, always when I got a bad mood I just looking to your shows,,the old 1s & the new...  "


" My name is --- , I'm from Israel and I'm big fan of you. I'm taking from Jenny Live so much inspiration and so many insights, so just want to thank you for that. Despite of my serious disability, I'm touring around the country and talking with people about goals achieving and positive points of view. You are amazing and you bring my day truly happy-energized-sexy moments "


" I appreciate this channel very much. All the interviews are fantastic, because Jenny has a special way to do it. So everything becomes perfect. I admire her work very much. I am a Brazilian guy. I've been watching this channel about two days only, but I'm sure, it will be my favorite TV Program for a long time...!  "


"Hola Jenny, desde hace tiempo te sigo con tus consejos y te admiro por tu forma de ver las cosas, sos una persona deslumbrante y admiro como hablas el ingles y el espanol a la vez. Sos muy inteligente como todos los Uruguayos. Soy de Maldonado y estoy estudiando un preparatorio de filosofia en Montevideo. Te escribo porque solo me atrevo a preguntarte algo por escrito y creo que sos la unica opersona que puede responderme sin verguenza"


"Gracias Jenny, en realidad colaboro con satisfacion x q veo las cosas de otro punto de vista, es como q me sali un poco a mirar desde afuera lo q ocurria y veo mas de lo q miraba adentro. escuche anoche tu show y gracias x leer parte del mail,no crei q lo hicieras tan llego mucho el agregado q hiso tu esposo y senti lo mismo. y los dos que me acompanaban dicen igual"


"Hola soy tu fan 2340609001 dicen que todos necesitamos algo de ayuda en algun momento de nuestras vidas bueno haora pienso que me toca a mi. bueno tratare de no hacer  tan larga la historia y asi no aburrirte tanto.
Erase una vez un niño nacido en una familia  perfecta madre/padre/hermana todo iba sin problema hasta que el padre empezo a beber sin darse cuenta de las consecuencias que estas acciones podrian causar en esos chiquillos.. a la edad de 13 años de edad  el padre murio exactamene por no tener un control ni medida con el alcohol que consumia dejando a la madre con 2 hijos que criar y alimentar con mucho sacrificio y trabajo,ella logro sacar adelante. Despues de un tiempo  a las pocas personas a las que este joven considero sus amigos muy pocas por cierto tambien Murieron por diferentes causas de la vida.. Dejando a este con un corazon hecho pedazos, el tiempo siguio su marcha este encontro a una bella mujer tambien con una pasado algo tormentoso con la que entablaron una amistad, juntos  esa falta atencion/ tiempo que a veces los padres por el trabajo no brindan los ayudo a unirse mas.

Los años pasaron de la  amistad  se convirtio en noviazgo de noviazgo a casamiento eso fue exactamente lo que paso.. surgiron 2 hermosas personas que llenaron de alegria nuestros corazones y haora despues de tantas  tragedias y triunfos las cosas han llegado a un limite  intolerable.. a lo mejor  no he aprendido a soltar a las personas desprenderme de eso que ya tuvo su tiempo y  a la mejor es hora de seguir adelante  se que muchas cosas buenas han de venir pero por mi amor hacia ellos... porque quisiera estar alli con ellos siempre  ser el padre que a mi me hizo falta pero la relacion con esta persona me esta dañando .... es muy facil decir si vete de alli pero dejar una relacion de muchos años es un poco mas dificil de lo que crei.

me gustaria que respondieras, si lo quieras pasar en tu programa NO ME MOLESTA EN LO ABSOLUTO esta es una forma de deshaogo que tanta falta me hace


"Jenny, Muchas felicidades por tu nominacion, es un reconocimiento a la gran calidad de tu programa, sus contenidos y sobre todo al gran ser humano que eres y que le das ese plus que lo hace unico,gracias por alegrarnos la noche con tu presencia y tus consejos,por supuesto votamos por ti y ahora nomas esperamos para brindar contigo por el triunfo,hasta pronto y que este solo sea el primero de una larga cadenas de trinfos durante el presente año."


"En clases tengo que hacer un trabajo referente a los problemas que pueden existir en la familia, en la comunidad, y con los amigos.. y exponer experiencias de personas.. que es lo que tu haces con tus Jenny Live con el chat de todos los que participan.. pero la verdad no soy Member y quisiera poder ver los programas atrasados para asi sacar informacion y exponerla en mi clase"


"Siento que con un solo gracias me quedo corto para expresarte de verdad, me has ayudado con tus bellisimos consejos en  tiempos donde reealmente lo necesitaba.encontrarte a ti fue una bendicion-Entonces Gracias a Ti a tu Equipo que esta detras tuyo que hacen posible verte y escucharte y al Canal porsupuesto  gracias a  todo ese conjunto de parsonas de miami tv que tambien sin su ayuda  tu bello mensaje y energia positiva no fuera posible. solo soy uno de esas muchas personas que han recibido esa buena energia y se que falta mas es el tipo de buena energia lo que necesitamos para seguir adelante"


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